Contact us for advice or to book an appointment:
01323 734664
with Lucilla Ravenhill
'Feel Better With Bowen'
The Bowen Technique is often thought of as a gentle alternative to chiropractic and osteopathy, but it is also more than this. It is a subtle hands-on treatment that helps the body to rebalance and realign itself. It is truly effective for pain relief, musculoskeletal problems, sports injuries, stress and tension, and more ...
Bowen is a non-invasive therapy that works for everyone, from the young to the elderly. It is a classic example of the power of ‘less is more’. There is no manipulation and no force is used or needed. The work itself consists of light but precise moves over muscles and tendons. During the treatment there are periods when the client is left resting to allow the body to absorb the moves and to make the fine adjustments which help to relieve tension, reduce pain and initiate the healing process.
Bowen is truly effective for long-standing as well as recent musculoskeletal problems, commonly in the back, neck, hips and knees. It helps with sport or accident injuries, including frozen shoulder and repetitive strain injury (RSI). In fact, it is beneficial for a wide range of problems, including stress/tension, chronic fatigue, depression, menstrual and menopausal symptoms, hay fever and more.
Bowen often works when other therapies have not.
Working with Lucilla
Your first visit will include a short consultation, which lasts 10 to 15 minutes. This provides me with a picture of what's going on for you, and also offers a ‘get to know you’ process for both client and practitioner. We will discuss your presenting condition (what has brought you to see me), as well as any relevant medical, lifestyle and personal factors, both current and in the past.
Sessions with me last an hour. During the treatment clients generally lie on a massage table, but if this proves difficult the treatment can be carried out in a seated position (for example, if there is reduced mobility or during pregnancy). Bowen moves can be performed through light clothing.
I approach every client’s situation in a caring and compassionate way, drawing on my experience and intuition to assess what is required. The sessions are comforting and calming. You may be surprised by the pauses between moves, but this is very much an active part of the treatment, allowing the body and brain to process the moves.
Sometimes clients experience changes during a session, but it is more common for improvements to occur after and between sessions. Sometimes just one session is all that’s required to feel better, but I may recommend up to three treatments depending on your individual situation.
Consultation and treatment - 60 minutes - £50
Lucilla offers concessions by negotiation for people on a low income.​
Practitioner: Lucilla Ravenhill
My Clients Say ...
“When my back is bad I have trouble lifting my legs off the ground, walking is painful and running impossible. After Bowen with Lucilla I can play tennis again and have a normal life. Before Lucilla I saw a chiropractor and a physio who gave me only temporary relief. I have recommended Lucilla over the years to many friends and family and they have all been very happy with the improvement of their particular ailment.” – Jayne Heath-Brown
“I had suffered from severe plantar fasciitis for over 18 months and tried numerous treatments but nothing worked. I went to see Lucilla. To start with it didn't feel like it was having any effect, but after the second appointment I began to notice the pain had eased considerably. By the end of the third session the tenderness had disappeared and I was able to walk without pain. I have been symptom free ever since. I would highly recommend both Lucilla and the Bowen Technique.” – J.A.
"Your hands are connected to your heart." – Ernest Earl