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01323 734664

Alliance of Registered Homeopaths
with Robin Ravenhill
Homeopathy has developed from its European origin two hundred years ago into the second largest system of medicine in the world! It is used by over 200 million people worldwide who have discovered the benefits of safe and effective medicines that work without toxic side-effects, and an approach to healing that treats us as unique individuals.
Homeopathy is truly 'holistic' because homeopaths believe the mind and body are closely interconnected. Unlike conventional medicine, remedies are usually chosen to treat the 'whole person' rather than particular symptoms and conditions in isolation (although there are exceptions, especially in acute situations). This means that with physical disorders we also take into consideration the relevant mental and emotional factors, and individual circumstances, that might be contributing to the symptoms being experienced (especially in chronic or serious illness).
Homeopathy uses specially prepared substances which are highly diluted but subtly active, with the aim of stimulating the body’s own natural tendency to return to healthy balance and equilibrium. A homeopath selects remedies according to the principle ‘like cures like’, i.e. a substance known to produce a set of symptoms in healthy people can also cure similar symptoms in someone who is ill. This principle dates back to ancient Greece. It was used by Hippocrates (460-377BC) who is known as the father of modern medicine.
Both minor and serious illness can be treated.
Homeopathy can be used effectively by everyone, it works for babies and children as well as adults and the elderly. Homeopathic medicines promote the body’s natural ability to heal. They are safe, non-toxic and non-addictive. They can be taken alongside drugs prescribed by your doctor and will not interfere with their beneficial action. As your condition improves, you may be able to safely reduce any conventional medication, thereby avoiding the unwanted effects that sometimes accompany the long-term use of drugs. NB: You should always consult your GP before making changes to your medication.
For helpful and in-depth information on homeopathy and how it can help please visit the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths website www.a-r-h.org. You may also like to watch the information videos below featuring 'The Snooks!'
Adults and Young People (age 14 and over):
First consultation - 1 hour - £90
Follow-ups - up to 1 hour - £70
Children (age 13 and under):
First consultation - 1 hour - £80
Follow-ups - up to 1 hour - £60
The consultation fee includes thorough case taking, relevant advice (for example, on diet and lifestyle), and the homeopathic remedies. It also includes follow-up support via email and phone as required.
Follow-up appointments are usually required in order to assess the action of the remedies. I may ask for a commitment of up to three visits.
Practitioner: Robin Ravenhill
My Clients Say ...
"I have been suffering from tinnitus which has disturbed my sleep considerably but now after only a few days of treatment the noise in my ears has abated and not returned. I am so pleased and relieved!"
- S B
"I've had no night sweats this cycle at all, and I'm sleeping normally again ... I feel less depressed and tearful, more in control."
- G M
"I felt a real boost, much better, spirits rising ... and my IBS cleared up overnight!"
- J T