Robin began his working life as a Homeopath and has now been practising for 30 years.
He later trained as an Allergy Therapist (allergy testing and treatment), and has been running The Allergy Clinic (UK) for 26 years. He is registered as a Fellow with the British Institute for Allergy and Environmental Therapy (FBIAET). Please visit his website: www.theallergyclinic.co.uk.
He is also a Counsellor with 21 years experience who practises a love-centred approach to healing and personal growth. He is registered with the OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation (ROSIM). Please visit his website: www.robinravenhill.com.
Robin’s approach to illness is truly 'holistic', which simply means he takes into consideration all the factors and circumstances that might be contributing to the symptoms his clients present with. This approach helps him to identify and address the underlying causes of illness, which is the best way of helping people to get well and stay well. His aim is to help restore health and vitality and resistance to illness and stress.
As a counsellor, Robin’s love-centred approach is intuitive, engaged and compassionate. His focus, ultimately, is on helping us to heal our relationship with ourselves. This is our primary relationship, and all other relationships depend on it. He works with adults and couples, children and young people from all walks of life, whatever their circumstances, with a wide range of challenges, including many who have experienced extreme trauma and abuse.
Over the years he has consolidated his skills and experience in each of his disciplines, and has developed a truly integrated and effective approach to helping people whatever the nature of their situation.
For fees, please see each of the therapies Robin offers:
What people say about Robin Ravenhill ...

"Your diagnosis was really good ... Yesterday I had my first day free of sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes for many months. Many thanks, Robin." - M T
"I've had no night sweats this cycle at all, and I'm sleeping normally again ... I feel less depressed and tearful, more in control." – G M
"I think you are a star at being genuinely and completely you with no holding back. You naturally see people and where they are in their life journey." - S F